Pregnancy Superstitions
4 min read
Pregnancy superstitions may vary from a baby’s shape, to old wives’ tales, to nutritional beliefs. Some of these can be helpful, and others can be harmful. It is important to understand the difference, and to avoid them.
Some superstitions are based on supernatural beliefs
Pregnancy superstitions are a common topic of discussion. They are based on a variety of beliefs, including supernatural beliefs. These beliefs are often exaggerated. However, they are not harmful for the mother or baby. Some of these myths can be used as a means to cope with pregnancy emotions.
Some of the most popular pregnancy superstitions are related to how babies are born. For instance, some women believe that a full moon brings about labor. This is not a proven fact, but it is a belief that many women still hold.
During the Great Depression, a common superstition was the belief that a rabbit’s foot would bring bad luck. In Turkey, chewing gum becomes dead flesh after dark. Other superstitions include the notion that a baby’s complexion will be darker if it is fed on foods that are dark in color.
Another common belief is that a baby’s gender can be predicted by the shape of the belly. The bump should be rounded and evenly shaped. Several websites have suggested that this can be a good indicator of whether it’s a girl or a boy.
Some are based on old wives’ tales
Many of us have heard of them but fewer of us have ever gotten a chance to ask about the nitty gritty details. The old wives tales and their ilk have long been a popular source of family fun. Some of them are a tad bit on the nutty side. But, if you haven’t had the good fortune of spending time with them, you are missing out on some oh so enlightening experiences. Among their many delights, you are sure to find some of the best tykes around. Of course, that said, the ole’ mother isn’t always the easiest thing in the world to handle. So, you need to figure out how to deal with the ole’ mother first. Or, you could be in for a rude awakening. That’s a whole different story, but one that’s not for the faint of heart.
As it turns out, there are a handful of real life versions of these mythical creatures roaming the ether. It’s not unusual to encounter the aforementioned edison clone at the wrong time of day, or worse yet, on a crowded night out. And while you might not get the oohs and aahs, you might get a few groans and a few dirty looks.
Some are based on nutrition
Having a baby is fun, exciting and rewarding. However, being pregnant in the wrong hands is not. As the fetus is considered an asset, it is important to treat it with the utmost respect. The right care is essential for a healthy baby and a happy mommy. This is best epitomized by a healthful diet and exercise routine. If your sex is a factor, the family doctor ain’t your only physician. With a little extra thought, you and your spouse can avoid the pitfalls of having a miscarriage. Having a baby is a great reason to take the time to get your health in order. Getting your health in tip top condition is an investment, but it is worth the wait. A happy, healthy mommy is the biggest gift you can give your loved ones. The key is a little bit of planning, a few dollars, and a whole lot of love.
Some are based on baby’s shape
Some pregnancy superstitions are based on the shape of the bump or the position of the baby in the womb. These superstitions help in dealing with pregnancy-related emotions. They also provide a basis for indulgence.
One popular superstition is that you should avoid bathing while pregnant. This is because the water will get into your body and contaminate the unborn baby. In fact, it is not known if this is true.
Another common superstition is that the shape of your belly will help you determine whether you’re having a girl or a boy. While the shape of your belly does not necessarily tell you the gender of your baby, some women have been able to guess the gender of their baby by the shape of their bump.
Pregnancy is a time of tremendous change. It is also a time when many women aren’t fully aware of their bodies. Since the fetus is not fully developed, the shape of the bump isn’t completely indicative of sex.